Medora Madness

Normally, for me, a trip to the Bully Pulpit Golf Course in Medora, ND falls under the heading of “One Day a Year”,  except that this time there were three days involved. We made a tee time on a Thursday, but from early in day the forecast was not good, so we rescheduled for the next day. We Made the trip from our ranch near Sidney, MT around mid-afternoon on Friday, and when we got there, the weather looked like it might cooperate. By the fourth hole though, the wind was swirling and the clouds were building, and by the time we finished the fifth, the marshal suggested we might want to head toward the clubhouse, in the sense that the First Officer of the Titanic suggested that passengers might want to make their way toward the lifeboats. The parade of golf carts heading up the path made one think of the Keystone Cops scrambling for cover, and we sat in the warmth and dryness of the clubhouse for a good hour till we decided to take a rain check and come back the next day.

That turned out to be one of the better decisions we made all week, because the next day was as close to perfect golf weather as it comes. Aside from a few slow players ahead of us, we had a very enjoyable round, and I shot my best score yet at this course.  My wife Linda played the course for the first time and thought it suited her game as well.

In the past I have always played this course with my brother Tom, but this year he is recuperating from a broken arm, among other things, so I was accompanied by his son Blair, who provided the images for the video that follows.